Neight witnesses of the book of mormon

Book of mormon the testimony of eight witnesses youtube. Christian whitmer one of the eight witnesses to the book of mormon was the eldest son of peter whitmer, sen. An important episode associated with the translation and coming forth of the book of mormon was the experience of two sets of witnesses eleven totalwho, among other things, claimed to have actually seen the gold plates, which were delivered by the angel moroni to joseph smith. Did the eleven witnesses actually see the gold plates. According to elder holland, preeminent in the lords arsenal to combat the evils of the world is the book of mormon, as the book is infused with the power of christ to counter all troubles in all timesincluding the end of times. The witness statements enhance the plausibility of joseph smith and the book he dictated. None of the book of mormon witnesses ever recanted their testimony. Book of mormon witnesses the encyclopedia of mormonism. The combined testimonies of the three and eight witnesses of the book of mormon provide powerful evidence of the restoration.

Although the book of mormon witnesses were attracted to strang for a short time, they soon became interested in a movement william e. Modern mormon spin doctors write all kinds of articles claiming that the witnesses may have denied the mormon church but they never the book of mormon. The eight witnesses of the book of mormon lds blogs. Mclellin who had served as an apostle under joseph smith was trying to start. Book of mormon witnesses all later denied its truthfulness. In this video, i discuss how relying on the published testimony of eight witnesses has led many to incorrectly assume the experience of the eight men was completely natural and physical. The eight witnesses of the book of mormon the book of.

Book of mormon kids study guide this book of mormon study guide will deepen your love for the scriptures. The book of mormon is an additional set of sacred prophetic writings adopted by the the church of jesus christ of latterday saints as well as it many offshoots, collectively referred to as the mormonism as both holy scripture and another witness of the divinity of jesus christ an important element to proving the divine authenticity of this scripture is the testimony of latterday witnesses. We have always taken you to be an honest good farmer and neighbor of ours but could. The item was signed by the eight witnesses who confirmed that they saw the golden plates from which the book of mormon was taken. Like the three witnesses, the book of mormon prophecies that there will be others which will testify of this work, and there is none other which shall view it, save it be a few according to the will of god, to bear testimony of his word unto the children of men. The three witnesses is the collective name for three men connected with the early latter day. Anderson, richard lloyd beginning with the first edition of 1830, the book of mormon has generally contained two sets of testimoniesthe testimony of three witnesses and the testimony of eight witnesses. One of the quorum of the twelve a young man full of faith and good works, prayed and the vision of his mind was opened, and the angel of god came and laid. Why are there two sets of official book of mormon witnesses. Explaining away the book of mormon witnesses fairmormon.

Like most mormons i never considered the witnesses and anything more than a nice supporting page for the truthfulness of the book of mormon, not really all that necessary. Various witnesses of the process, including emma smith and martin harris, recalled how joseph dictated the book of mormon while the plates were either covered or absent from the room. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading investigating the book of mormon witnesses. The precise purposes of the book of mormon religious. The solemn testimony of these three additional witnesses has appeared in every edition of the book of mormon from the beginning. We also talk about the testimony of the three witnesses. Testimony of eight witnesses manuscript collection. Three witnesses shall behold it, by the power of god, besides him to whom the book shall be delivered. Here are some critics thoughts on that thanks to gary porter and craig criddle for these. The eight witnesses speak of viewing the plates themselves with unobstructed vision.

The three witnesses, unlike the eight witnesses, were shown the plates by. Attempts to redefine the experience of the eight witnesses. Eight witnesses monument mormon historic sites foundation. The last printed leafbearing the signed statements of witnesses. The three witnesses were oliver cowdery, martin harris, and david whitmer, whose joint testimony, in conjunction with a separate statement by eight witnesses, has been printed with every edition of the book of mormon since its first publication in 1830. In the introductory pages of the book of mormon, there is a page that contains the testimony of three witnesses and the testimony of eight witnesses. The eight witnesses were shown the plates by joseph smith. Lucy mack smiths neighbor in ohio, sarah bradford parker, once asked lucy about seeing the plates.

The earliest documented statement of the three witnessesoliver cowdery, david whitmer, and martin harrisis their statement in the handwriting of oliver cowdery subsequently published in the 1830 edition of the book of mormon. All three witnesses eventually broke with smith and were excommunicated from the church. David whitmer, a witness to the divine authenticity of the book of. As the director of the church history library, where we hold the churchs official archival. The book of mormon witnesses are a group of contemporaries of joseph smith who claimed to. But the eight witnesses report handling the plates under natural circumstances, describing color, substantial weight, individual leaves with engraved writings. I just want to say something about the witnesses of the book of mormon in terms. None of the eleven book of mormon witnesses ever signed their testimonies. This book of mormon study guide is designed to fit the needs of various ages and study habits and is. Three witnesses of the book of mormon department of. The eight witnesses were the second of two sets of special witnesses to the book of mormon s golden plates.

Investigating the book of mormon witnesses kindle edition. The three other introductory sections to the book of mormon the testimony of the three and eight witnesses, testimony of the prophet joseph smith, and a brief explanation about the book of mormon are also important because of the useful background and contextual information they provide, but not because they are statements of intent. The book of mormon relies not only on the record of an ancient people, but also on the separate testimonies of three and eight witnesses published in the back of the book s original 1830 edition and in the front of its more recent editions. The manuscript states that joseph smith was the author of the book. The first set are the three witnesses the book of ether in the book of mormon states that the plates would be shown to certain individuals who shall assist to bring forth this work. Published in every edition of the book of mormon are the testimonies of eight witnesses who saw the metal plates from which the prophet joseph smith translated the ancient scriptural account and of three witnesses who not only saw the plates but who were shown them by an angel.

It also said that three would be shown the plates by the power of god. Skeptics have misused some historical sources as they attempt to reverse the eight witnesses statements about their physical contact with the book of mormon plates. The first edition of the book of mormon featured two testimonials. Eight witnesses mormonism, the mormon church, beliefs. This book was printed on thirtyseven sheets and folded into thirtyseven gatherings of eight leaves each, making a text block of 592 pages. Harris said that a personage had appeared to her during the previous night. And eyewitness testimony to the existence of angels and of god himself is scarcely of trivial importance. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Following those words came one of the most powerful apostolic witnesses of the book of mormon.

Based on the body of available evidence we dont really know if the eleven book of mormon witnesses ever signed. As with the three witnesses, the testimony of these eight men appears in each copy of the book of mormon, declaring that they saw and hefted the book of mormon plates. The book of mormon contains two sets of joint statements written by joseph smith for those who claimed to have seen the gold plates. As was true for the testimony of three witnesses, these names were included at the end of the book of mormon to place this seal of testimony upon the published record. Investigating the book of mormon witnesses brigham young. However, even if all eleven witnesses affirmed that they really saw and even handled the book of mormon plates it does biblically validate the mormon faith. The book of mormon is a sacred record that contains the everlasting gospel and bears witness of jesus christ.

In studying the history of joseph smith and the the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, referred to as the mormons, we emphasize joseph smiths own testimony of the book of mormon, that book of additional scripture that is another testament of jesus christ. It is unknown whether the eight witnesses signed the original statement, and it is likewise unknown who wrote the statement. Investigating the book of mormon witnesses kindle edition by richard lloyd anderson. Biographies in preston nibley witnesses of the book of mormon deseret book co. We can compare the witnesses for the book of mormon to the witnesses of manuscript found.

This remarkable statement was in fulfillment of prophecy in the book of mormon itself, given by nephi, the son of lehi. In the lds church, much emphasis is placed on the witness of three men who said that they saw the gold plates which were translated by joseph smith into the book of mormon, as well as eight additional witnesses who testified of their belief in the book of mormon. Unlike the earlier testimony signed by the three witnesses, which borrowed most of its language from the book of mormon, this statement reads like a legal document. Book of mormon, 1830, page 589 the joseph smith papers. Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come. Facts on the book of mormon witnesses part 1 mormons. Despite all that the book of mormon prophets apparently went through to assemble, write, and preserve the records, joseph smith didnt even use them to translate. An angel showed the book of mormon plates to the three witnesses, who heard gods voice declare the translation correct. Three witnesses oliver cowdery, david whitmer, and martin harris declared an angel of god appeared to them and showed them the book of mormon plates and they heard the voice of the lord pronounce that joseph smiths translation had been accomplished. The testimony of the eight witnesses was first published at the end of the 1830 edition of the book of mormon and has been printed in nearly every edition since, although most subsequent editions moved the statement to the front of the book and included minor grammatical corrections.

Joseph smith, the three witnesses, and the eight witnesses are a twelveman jury in affirming the reality of the gold plates and the book of mormon. An ongoing series of articles on some common and recurring weak arguments that christians make against mormonism. Photograph of a handwritten statement which is published at the beginning of the book of mormon. The testimony of the eight witnesses gospel doctrine. The testimonies of the three and eight witnesses were published in the first edition of the book of mormon and every edition since. The evidence left by the book of mormon witnesses is rich, varied, and uneven, including the following. The author, richard lloyd anderson, gives many historical details about the statements of such critics and the sources and background of their statements. Deseret news archives this monument honers the eight witnesses of the book of mormon and was erected in liberty, missouri, on the same day the 100th anniversary of the three witnesses monument in richmond, missouri. Three witnesses the three witnesses are david whitmer, oliver cowdery, and martin harris, who mortgaged his farm to finance the first printing of the book of mormon. A neighbor of harris in kirtland, ohio, said that harris never claimed to have seen the plates with his natural eyes, only spiritual vision. Three witnesses oliver cowdery, david whitmer, and martin harris declared an angel of god appeared to them and showed them the book of mormon plates and they heard the voice of the lord pronounce. A neighbor of harris in kirtland, ohio, said that harris never claimed to have seen the plates with his natural eyes. Make studying fun and effective with diagrams, doodles, and insights. Attacks against the book of mormon have experienced a kind of mission.

Many critics of the book of mormon witnesses say that the witnesses of the book of mormon denied their written testimonies in statements to different people over the years. Did the book of mormon witnesses really see what they. The three and eight witnesses to the book of mormon. Some of the witnesses of the book of mormon, who handled the plates and conversed with the angels of god, were afterwards left to doubt and to disbelieve that they had ever seen an angel. Monument to the eight witnesses of the book of mormon, liberty, missouri, at the time it was dedicated. The statement of the 3 witnesses for the book of mormon. Book of mormon witnesses, modern church, david whitmer, martin harris, oliver cowdery. Its language distances the eight witnesses from js by referring to him as the said smith. Witnesses are important at first, i was confused why ces letter devoted so much space to the book of mormon witnesses. Some, unable or unwilling to take the witnesses to the book of mormon at their word, question their claims of seeing and hefting the golden plates, insisting instead that the witnesses saw only with spiritual eyes which means, effectively, in their imaginations.

Evaluating the book of mormon witnesses book of mormon. The three are part of twelve book of mormon witnesses, who also include smith and the eight witnesses. The names of oliver cowdery, david whitmer, and martin harris are familiar to most of us, notably because of their role as witnesses to the reality of the book of mormon. There is much more that can be said about the unreliability of the three and the eight witnesses to the book of mormon plates. When joseph smith first obtained the gold plates, he was told to show them to no one. And joseph iii said david whitmer stood up to his full height which was nearly.

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